
Showing posts from January, 2021

موزه آب بندر عباس

  تاریخچه موزه آب بندر عباس عمر و قدمت ساختمان این موزه تاریخی به دوران صفویه بر می گردد، در آن زمان مردم با کمبود آب و بارندگی مواجه شده بودند و برای نگهداری کردن از آب و مصارف روزانه این فضا را بنا کردند. پس از گذشت سال ها از این ماجرا، شرکت آب بندرعباس برای حفظ ارزش، فرهنگ و تمدن مردم در گذشته و انتقال میراث به نسل های بعدی، تصمیم گرفت گنجینه ای از آثار و بناهای مربوط به دوران قدیم تا به امروز را در موزه آب جمع آوری کند و در معرض دید بازدید کنندگان قرار دهد. پس از این ماجرا در سال ۱۳۸۴ موزه آب را افتتاح کردند تا مردم با نحوه زندگی و وسایل مورد نیاز زمان قدیم برای تامین آب از نزدیک آشنا شوند. نقشه و معرفی بخش های مختلف موزه آب بندرعباس در زمینی به مساحت ۱۷۰۰ متر مربع بنا شده و دارای ۲ سالن مجزا است. این مجموعه دیدنی دارای یک فضای بازی به مساحت ۱۵۸۰ متر مربع است که نما های جذابی مانند آب انبارها، پل، سد ها و مجسمه های مردم محلی را به نمایش گذاشته اند. در ابتدا که وارد محوطه موزه بشوید، گاو چاه را مشاهده خواهید کرد که قلق آب کشی از چاه در زمان های گذشته را نشان می دهد. چاه های زیاد...

15 Hilarious and All-Too-Accurate Sales Memes

  1) When my prospect tells me they're checking out my competitors Source: Cold Call Me Maybe 2) When it's been a long  month  quarter Source: Sales Humor 3) Sweet, sweet victory Source: The Daily Sales 4) Guess not Source: ThinkAdvisor 5) They finally answered Source: Unknown 6) Dat payday tho Source: NextGen Leads 7) Ruh-roh, this isn't good Source: Sales Humor 8) Things will get better ... right? Source: Unknown 9) When my new LinkedIn contact opens up a major source of leads Source: Cold Call Me Maybe 10) I'd really prefer it if you bought now Source: LeadFuze

5 Customer-Centric Brands That Stand Out in Competitive Industries

  We've previously defined   customer centricity   as "a way of doing business so that every team and department foster a positive customer experience, at every stage of the customer journey." But despite this definition, customer centricity is one of those "you know it when you see it" sort of things. → Download Now: State of Customer Service in 2020 [Free Report] We've all heard the classic examples of Apple, Amazon, Zappos, and Southwest Airlines, and how their customer focus helped them create brand new categories. But are there other customer-centric companies that we can study and learn from? As it turns out, yes. In this piece, we'll dive deeper into five brands that are not only customer-centric, but whose focus on the customer helped them break into incredibly competitive, established industries.vs.  Customer-Centric vs. Product-Centric  Product-centric companies focus on the products they bring to the market as a way to measure success and dete...

Net Promoter Score Benchmarks to Help You Understand Customer Loyalty

  We've all heard the saying "the squeaky wheel gets the grease." And although we recommend visiting a mechanic over fixing your car with a can of grease, this expression still applies to your customers. Customer reviews have a lot of power -- especially in the internet age, when recommendations and complaints can go viral on social media faster than you can say "the customer is always right." Word-of-mouth recommendations -- and complaints -- are taken incredibly seriously by consumers. Recommendations from friends and family members are the most trusted source of advertising for 83% of respondents, and nearly 100% of customers surveyed said they trusted recommendations from other people -- even strangers -- more than content from brands. Conversely, a  Harvard Business Review  study found 48% of customers who had negative experiences with a company told 10 or more people. And as it turns out, customers like talking about bad customer experiences...

54 Small Business Ideas for Anyone Who Wants to Run Their Own Business

  If you dream of clocking out of your nine-to-five job for the last time and becoming your own boss, you’ve probably considered a variety of small business ideas. But, while you have plenty of passion, direction can be hard to find. Download Now: Free Business Plan Template To help, I’ve pulled together small business ideas for anyone who wants to run their own business. Use these as a jumping off point to spark your own unique ideas: Small Business Ideas Home Business Ideas And if all else fails, live the words of Airbnb Co-founder Brian Chesky: "If we tried to think of a good idea, we wouldn’t have been able to think of a good idea. You just have to find the solution for a problem in your own life." Ready to take things to the next level? This ultimate guide to entrepreneurship can help you do more than dream up a good idea. It can help you turn it into reality today. Best Small Business Ideas 1. Handyman Are you always fixing things around the house? Often on call whe...