Don’t let these disadvantages put you off! They’re simply worth knowing about. Want my advice? Read them, keep them in mind, and go anyway…
1. Travel is Insanely Addictive
There’s a reason people talk about the travel bug. It exists- I can vouch for it.
You go away once, sample all the incredible opportunities and experiences that travelling offers, and simply get hooked. Now, this might not sound like a disadvantage. And in some ways it isn’t. In fact, I love how addictive travel is.
But it has a funny way of affecting your ‘home plans’.
Notions of career and plans for family get side-lined in exchange for the next hit of foreign adventure you can get your hands on.
And, like any addiction, it pangs when it isn’t indulged and has its own set of troubling withdrawal symptoms. Frankly, home life doesn’t feel the same (more on this later); life, for a time, isn’t as vibrant…the call of foreign lands is intense and all consuming.
You’ll find yourself in places so beautiful, you’ll never want to leave! It’s totally addictive.
You’ll find yourself in places so beautiful, you’ll never want to leave! It’s totally addictive.
2. Travel Isn’t Cheap
This disadvantage is stating the obvious, but money tends to be an issue for almost all travellers. Travelling to far away destinations and going for some time without an income can get expensive.
And, though travel on a budget is always possible, the pressure that travel puts on your pockets is undeniable. When travel becomes a priority, it requires sacrifice in other areas of life and forces you to live differently.
Again though, there’s a silver lining to this. After all, that very same sacrifice will lend an ever greater poignancy to your trip: whenever you put effort into something you tend to value it more.
But it will undoubtedly use up your savings, leave holes in your pockets and shrink those once bulging nest eggs.
3. Careers Get Delayed and People Move On
Everything keeps moving at home while you’re away having the time of your life. Life moves on, people get married, move home, get promotions, have babies…
You get back from travelling and suddenly those awesome experiences get pushed into memory; you’re confronted with a reality where your peers are a year (or more) ahead of you in their careers, earning more money, in higher positions; maybe they’re already reaching the goals you once had for yourself.
For the competitive go getter, this can be a tough pill to swallow.
Of course, there’s no replacement for life experience and you’ll have that in abundance. What you do when you travel is life changing and progressive in all manner of ways.
But when you’re slap bang back home, confronted with reality, with your adventures (until the next one, at least) behind you, it can be hard to see people who have moved on ahead.
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